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5 reasons why you need to hire local surveying companies

There are many areas of the land when one needs to do a thorough check of the land. Registered land surveyors are called for specific reasons. It can be for a legal matter about the property, construction site, topographic issues, etc. 

To find out lapses, gaps, and gores 

These problems come along with and are part of boundary line certification. Most surveys consist of a statement that (unless the surveys say otherwise) there is no difference/discrepancies between the property boundaries of your land and the bordering property. This is particularly pertinent if your property is next to highways, roads, alleys, or streets. 

Boundary Lines/Property Lines

One common universal reason for the landowner to seek the help of a licensed surveyor is the location of boundary lines and others to determine other lines. These legal boundaries of tenure or possession are critical pieces of information to have, before you add a sun-room, build a fence, or pave your driveway. 

Ponds, Creeks, Rivers, Wells, Streams, and Lakes

A typical survey reports noticeable or surface waters only. Wetlands and Underground waters are topics that are better covered by other professional inspectors.
Existing Improvements
The surveyor will generally certify that the buildings and other alterations, improvements, and repairs to a property that exists at the time of the study are not in the desecration of laws or other restrictions. 
Residential boundary survey- Common restrictions on residential property can regard:
  • Height
  • Frontage
  • Building lines
  • Set-backs
  • Dimension
  • Parking
  • Bulk 
Rights-of-Way, Abandoned Roads and Easements

A survey will demonstrate all the conditions forced by law that is reflected in your property's title report and other agreement papers. 
If your land/home blocks your neighbor's entrance to the road, for example, there may be an old contract (called an "easement") that gives your neighbor the right to walk across your courtyard to the street. This information should be unrestricted public records.


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